Tuesday 18 June 2013

School Council Meeting: Travel Plan Update and Review of the Year (so far...) 12:6:13

Here we are before our meeting!

We are a happy lot!
In the meeting we thought about the ways we have helped the school and the community so far this year. These we the things we were most pleased about:
  • Planting a tree in the park at Oakford Lawn
  • Opening the new school library
  • Creating library rules
  • Working with Martin Burrows, from SUSTRAN, and helping create a school travel plan
  • Thinking of ideas of ways to help children be interested in travelling to school in active ways, such as the scooter and cycle sessions taking place at the start of July
  • Promoting the 'Active Travel' poster campaign
We are hoping to continue to make a difference to the school and community... so watch this space!

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