Thursday 14 March 2013

School Council Meeting: The School Blog -13.3.13

  • The school council members all viewed the school council blog. They learned how to get on to the blog as well as take part in the on-line surveys.
  • We discussed how we will continue to use it: showing minutes of our meetings, doing simple surveys to find out children's ideas and opinions, sharing other school council news and allowing children to give their opinions through the 'comment' sections on the blog
  • Mr Macdonald showed the children statistics from the blog; including how many people had viewed it as well as from which countries had viewed it from.
  • With ideas from the school council, he also showed the children how to write 'posts' on the blog.

  • In the next week, all school council members, possibly with the help of their class teacher, should show their class how to go on to the blog, take part in surveys and even register a comment.
  • Our next meeting is on Wednesday 17th April.

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