Wednesday 27 November 2013

School council meeting - Internet Safety and school council blog

Today the school council met with Mrs Nevinson. First we looked at the school council blog. After that we took part in the survey,  'How dangerous is it outside our school at pick-up and drop-off times?'. Finally we looked at the links on the blog to other internet sites. One link takes us to 'Think U Know' which is all about safety on the internet.
All school councillors have these things to do:
  • Show the class the school council blog
  • As a class, vote on the survey.
  • Go to the 'Think U Know' link, and look at the red section on reporting.
  • Discuss with the class how we can make the blog better. (Bring these suggestions to the next school council meeting).
The school council thanked Mrs Nevinson for coming. She was great!

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