Wednesday 15 January 2014

School Council Meeting - What is bullying?

Today some Year 6 buddies and Mrs Dentith talked to us about bullying. We discussed what bullying was. Children said it was from people who constantly were unkind to them, through words or being physically hurt (pushed, poked, hit etc.). We also talked about how we should tell someone if we saw it in school. This led us to talk about the 'friendly 5'; these are five people we might tell if somebody did something horrible to us.
'Friendly 5'

We decided we would meet again next week to talk about how children could use a noticeboard to write nice things about people who were kind to us. We will also think about ways to make sure children knew what to do if they were being bullied so we can always make our school a happy place to be.

In class, children should:
  • Know that if they are being bullied it is not their fault and they should tell someone.
  • Think about who their 'Friendly 5' could be.

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